Dogma: Undefined Certainty

Dogma is any belief held unquestionably and with undefined certainty. It can also be found in political belief systems such as fascism, progressivism, liberalism, and conservatism. In a pejorative sense, dogma refers to enforced decisions, such as the decisions of aggressive political interests or officials. Generally, it is applied to some strong belief that its adherents are unwilling to discuss rationally.

In a pejorative sense, dogma refers to enforced decisions, such as the decisions of aggressive political interests or officials. Generally, it is applied to some strong belief that its adherents are unwilling to discuss rationally. This attitude is named dogma or dogma, and is often used to refer to matters related to religion, but is not limited to theistic attitudes and is often used in relation to political or philosophical dogma.

"Dogma" implies agreement on the proposition of some non-obvious matter. That which denotes the capacity to prevent the assent of principles regarding the truth in the nature of things; Against each statement its contradiction may be advanced with equal justification. Consequently, the Pyrrhonists withhold consent with respect to non-obvious propositions, i.e. dogmas.


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