Yog Vigyan To Attain Eternal Bliss

Like any other science, the science of yoga can also be used by the people of any country and time. It is completely wrong to render by some ignorant writers that yoga practice is 'dangerous' or not good for westerners. It is a matter of regret that this misrepresentation has turned away many sincere and eager aspirants of Yoga Sadhana from trying to reap its multifaceted benefits.

Yoga practice is a method to calm the natural noise of thoughts. This cacophony of thoughts equally deprives all human beings of all countries from seeing a glimpse of their original self. Like healthy sunlight, yoga practice is equally beneficial for Eastern and Western people. Most people's thoughts are turbulent and fickle; Hence, the need for the science of mind-control - yoga practice is clear.

One of the conspiracies is philosophy. Unlike Western philosophies, Hindu philosophy includes not only theoretical metaphysics, but also practical methods. After going through each and every question that may arise in metaphysics, the Hindu scriptures show six definite paths whose aim is to be free from sorrow forever and attain eternal bliss.

The later Upanishads say that of the six philosophies, the Yoga Sutras contain the most effective methods of direct realization of truth. By practicing the practical techniques of yoga, man leaves behind forever the barren land of imagination and realizes the Supreme Being directly.

The yoga system of Patanjali is known as Ashtanga Yoga. Its first two parts are

  • Yama: the observance of moral virtue, non-violence, truth, brahmacharya and aparigraha;

  • Rules: religious conduct, cleanliness, satisfaction, penance, self-study and worship of God.

His limited but very knowledgeable book Yogasutra is one of the philosophies. Unlike Western philosophies, Hindu includes not only theoretical philosophy, but also practical methods. After a thorough consideration of every question that may arise in metaphysics, the Hindu scriptures suggest six definite paths whose aim is to be free from sorrow forever and attain eternal bliss.


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