Life After Marriage

Brotherhood is a big thing. The initial days after marriage will be filled with nothing but immense happiness. You will discover new things which may have remained undiscovered till now. You will be spending a lot of time together-be it visiting friends and family or shopping for household items after the wedding.

In the beginning of marriage, a couple experiences thrilling moments with each other, where every moment is exciting and thrilling. But as time goes on, it loses that initial, thrilling spark which is quite okay.

Many couples believe that talking about money and financial aspects is easy. On the contrary, it is not. Money involves power and status and this can cause huge differences between couples. Partners find it awkward and difficult to talk about financial stability and hence, many do not give their honest opinion about budgeting, saving, spending etc. This also leads to a lot of miscommunication.

Children certainly make a marriage stronger, but you shouldn't depend on them for the effort of your marriage. You must understand and accept the fact that one day they will have a life of their own and then, you and your partner will have to carve your own path. It's okay if you give your partner a little more priority than your kids sometimes because they need to feel loved and appreciated too.

Your marriage is very different from the assignments you had to do as a team in college. Marriage requires effort, support, immense understanding and trust. Believe it or not, love though one of the most important things, actually comes after trust and understanding. You have to be a strong team, especially in tough times when you have to put aside your personal opinion and come to a decision. Remember, it's always 'you and me versus the rest of the world'.

No matter how much you both agree to be on the same level, you have to accept the fact that one person in a relationship always puts in more effort than the other. Real happiness comes when two partners learn to fill each other's differences. Say, you're a hopeless romantic, while your partner doesn't like playing Romeo - they fill the gap by being more realistic and logical than you are.


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