Views and Viewpoints of Thinking

It is a universal truth that change is the law of nature. After every night comes a day. Similar changes keep happening in our lives also. Some things change as per our wish and some things happen automatically without our efforts. Just as stagnant water gets filled with dirt and flowing water automatically remains clean and pure. Similar changes keep happening in human life also. Sometimes the scenery changes and sometimes the view of thinking changes. The change of scenery is not only refreshing; In some circumstances, this is the right choice. Different people see the same person in different ways. It is not certain that every Sunday is a holiday, it does not mean that every holiday will be followed by a Monday. Recognizing that, in terms of personal growth and development, we are not at the level we believe we should be. If we do not first change ourselves i.e. do not create a better self; So no matter where we go, who we meet, whatever new situation we find ourselves in, we...